Well, here is just a little update on my life as a teacher. I love being teacher and I know without a doubt that I picked the right profession. Everyday has it's ups and downs. It is so easy to pick favorites and to pick on the students you just can't stand. I have found that if it wasn't for those students who actually do their work and joke around with me I wouldn't make it through the day. I have actually picked my favorite periods of the day which are 3rd and 5th period. Surprisingly my honors class drives me crazy! They never stop talking... EVER! My 7th period is the hardest because I have three students that cause the whole class to be disrupted. They get suspended all the time. But for the most part my students are awesome. They say the funniest things to me that make me laugh. I find I make fun of them a lot and they think that is pretty funny. I do act like a crazy when I am in front of them but it gives a little flavor to the class. I just want to put some things on here that my students have said to me that make me laugh.
"Ms. Pasiguini- oh I mean, wait, how do you say your name?"
"Mrs. P- your name is g" (Yes, I'm so glad the gangsters think I'm "g")
"Mrs. Passantino, are you going to the dance?"
"I don't think so Daniel"
"Oh, I was gonna ask you to go with me"
(We were having a discussion about Angle Falls, the highest waterfall in the world and all these what-ifs came up. PS: Angle Falls is two times higher than the empire state building)
- What if you fell off?
- Well what if you just went down with the water, would you die then?
- What if you were in a big cement box and fell off?
- What if you were in this container thing that was really pointy at the end, would you die then?
- What if you were in a big hamster ball thing?
"Ms. Passantino, do you think that if you had a jet ski you could ride from Cuba to Florida?"
(While talking about the Cuban Missile Crisis) "I don't understand why we didn't just bomb them, I mean, we could just bomb the whole world and then we wouldn't have to go to war with anyone"
"Ms. Pistachio, Me and T.C, we're your favorite huh?" (these two remind me of my brother and his best friend)
(I over heard my student ask my teacher this) "Can students date student teachers?"
"Ms. P, you should date my brother, you guys listen to the same music!"
"Oh yeah? How old is your brother"
"He's 17, he's a senior!"
(Not sure that is legal ... haha)
(There are a lot of gangsters in my school and one of them is so kind this is what he said to me in my first week)
"Ms. Passantino, I'm ( he introduces himself) and I just want you to know that you have beautiful eyes"
"Ms. Passantino, will you be my valentine?"
"So, we were hoping you could go get a job over at Taylorsville High School so that we could have you as a teacher again and see you everyday!" (once again, my two favorite students)
"We just want you to know that you are the coolest student teacher, all the rest are weird and mean!"
I love my students, I'm having so much fun! Now if only papers and tests would grade themselves!!!!!
3 years already?
12 years ago