I don't even know how many people read this blog so I always feel a little dumb writing on it because I'm guessing most people that read it are people who I talk to on a daily basis. I figured I would write out the plans for my life on here anyway since it's a very common question. Well, more like the lack of plans for my life. Ha ha.
I graduate from Brigham Young University- Idaho in about one week, April 10th. I am graduating in Social Studies Education and hope to be a high school teacher. I've spent the last three months doing my student teaching in Utah teaching Geography to 9th graders. It was a great day when I confirmed in my mind that I actually picked the right career because I LOVE teaching. I love the age group and I learn things from them every day. I was put with a great cooperating teacher and had the time of my life. I have been living in Draper Utah and really enjoyed it. I didn't have much of a social life but I was able to enjoy the blessings of living in Utah by being involved in the opening of the Draper Temple. I got to go through the open house, be an usher in the celestial room, and be in the temple for the one of the dedicatory sessions. It has been awesome. I have loved my roommates and will miss living with them.
As for plans after graduation, that is still up in the air. Finding a job seems to be a lot more difficult than I had imagined for two reasons. A: In the economy today it is difficult for ANYONE to find a job and it has taken it's toll on the education world. B: It just so happens that my love and interest (aka my major) is probably the least needed major for education, second only to PE. So math, science and Spanish teachers are getting 10,000 bonuses for signing on with any school of their choice, I'm getting blank looks from employers who tell me to apply online and check for openings. Great. For immediate plans, I'm heading back to Chico to hang out for one last summer in my favorite place. I'll also be an EFY counselor for two weeks in Provo which I am really excited about. I have a fun Disneyland trip planned and about a million weddings to go to....
And on the subject of weddings. So far this summer I am a bridesmaid in three different weddings, which is a small amount compared to the actual count of friends that are getting married. It seems to be a pattern in the last three months for everyone to be getting engaged. I would be lying if I said I didn't feel like I was missing the whole "time to be getting married" bandwagon. Don't get me wrong, I'm all about getting married at the right time to the right person. It's just that everyone is finding that person before me. My life seems to be a little bit consumed in everyone else's weddings. In fact, the present for the one accomplishment that I have to brag about right now (graduation) has to be spent on a bridesmaid dress. Awesome. Now, I realize that I sound rather bitter, ha ha. Don't get me wrong, I could not be happier for every person in my life that is getting married. I think it is so exciting and cool that they are all getting married for time and all eternity. That is so amazing and I am honored that I get to be part of it. But I'm using my blog to throw myself a little pity party. Ha ha. It will happen one day and it will be the right person but our lives as young single adults are consumed with marriage. We get bombarded with questions like, Why aren't you married? What's wrong with you? Are you dating anyone? Are there any men in your life? etc. etc. etc. (and this isn't just me talking all of my roommates confirm that this is how it is... every time we go home) Every lesson is about finding that right person or trying to make you feel better about not being married so no matter what, it's on our minds. Again, this makes me sounds so bitter but sometimes I just want to be part of the married club. I'm 23 (well tomorrow I am) not old at all. In fact there are many great advantages to being a college graduate and not being married. A: I'll actually have a savings when I get married and can pay for my wedding and go on a sweet honeymoon. B: If my husband is still in school I can support us so we won't have to go into debt C: Nothing is tying me down at all. I'm free to do whatever I want... travel, be spontaneous, go on shopping sprees... it's all fair game. D: I'll be the most favorite aunt in the world because I don't have my own kids to spoil... so really, the list goes on and on. Bottom line: A little annoying my life is consumed in everyone else's wedding but I'm young and I'll live through it and one day when I find that right guy it will be fantastic. OK, enough about marriage.. moving on
I can't think of much else to update on. My family is moving to Texas in August. I'm sad about that but it's the right thing. Brian is going to BYU-Idaho and I am so excited he is doing that! I can't wait for him to fall in love with that school. CJ will be starting high school which is totally crazy. Maybe I'll be able to find a job at his high school so I can be around him. Other than all that, I'm happy. My life is totally up in the air so I'm just riding on faith that Heavenly Father will direct me to the right place, wherever it is I need to be.
3 years already?
12 years ago