In the beautiful Central Park

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I heart CT!

Hello from the Constitution State! I am just reporting after getting out of my 2011 Chevy Malibu... ha ha, that's right, that's what I roll around in these days. It's wonderful! We have a little GPS that tries to show me where to go but I think I get in more arguments with that thing that I should. It just frustrates me sometimes, always telling me to turn too late or what not. But I love it, it helps us get around here! I am IN LOVE with this area. It is for sure different than the city. Let me tell you! My second day here, Hna. Vander Does said we had a district blitz in "the projects". I am pretty sure these "projects" were like the Ritz Carlton compared to what I was in before. It was pretty funny. But there are some pretty ghetto parts around here. But I just love it. The work is done totally different than in the city. I am just so used to walking around and talking to people but here we are in the car all the time. I did have Hna. Vander Does and I walk around one day and just talk to people that were in their yards. It was fun and it was her first time doing it so we had a good ol time. We also have started contacting people from the car window when they look spanish... or just hanging around spanish grocery stores!

Hna. Vander Does is so great. We get a long just wonderfully and she is just so fun to be with. I know I am supposed to be her companion and I feel grateful to be able to work here. We have big plans for this area! Church was amazing on Sunday. I just love this ward. I was asked to give a talk AND sing in church on Sunday... thanks ward! But it went well I think. I still don't like talking in front of people in Spanish but I felt more like myself as I did it which was good. We also sang "Joseph Smiths First Prayer" It was me, Hna. Vander Does, and the elders (Elder Fox and Elder Anderson- the greenie) Luckily, the old Elder Anderson was there so we had him come up and sing with us. It went pretty well I think!

We also had a baptism on Saturday. This wonderful man named Ray. He has two little boys and his mom also wants to get baptized. Sadly, she has to work on Sundays so that is hard to work with. His baptism was great and I just can see how the gospel has blessed his life even though I have only been here for a couple of days. We were at his house the other night and I could just feel of the love the Savior has for that family. It brought tears to my eyes. I love moments like that as a missionary!

The members here are wonderful. I love them all so much. Not very many Dominicans which means I can understand what everyone is saying to me... ha ha. We eat A LOT here and the food is so good! I love it! So far I have eaten food from Peru, Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras! On Sunday we ate at a members house from Mexico and they said I came here so that I could fix my Dominicana accent... Haha! I guess I talk fast like they do, who knew? But really, the members are amazing. I just feel so comfortable here and I feel the love of everyone so much, it's great!

I am doing great. I love the change that has come in the mission for me. I can see big miracles in this area but I am just excited to work hard! Upstate is VERY different and I am adjusting but I am doing good. I can see that Heavenly Father puts me where I need to be, and I am glad it is here! Life is wonderful! The church is true! I am so glad that I am doing His work here.

We are getting ready for Elder Bednar which I am really looking forward too. What a wonderful opportunity we have! I love you all! I hope all is well!

Con Amor- Hermana Passantino

PS: We found this new guy to teach names Ramon! He is so cool and guess what? He is Dominican! Ha ha! Of course! I am so excited to teach him. He recently got in a really bad car accident and almost died and he has been searching for the truth since then! SO LEGIT!

PPS: Today we went and played basketball at this gym a member owns. Let's just say I am a little rusty and very out of shape... woops. But it was fun!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Adios New York City... Hola Connecticut!!!

Yes it is true! I am leaving this city that I love oh so much for the last two cycles of my mission! And I am going to Connecticut! Woo hoo!!! President called yesterday and when he told me that I was going there I squealed in his hear. Ha ha... he probably thinks I was a little too crazy but that's ok. He knows my personality and he is excited for me to be there too! But let me tell you why he called, because I AM GOING TO BE A GRANDMOTHER! That's right, Hna. Anderson is training and I am so excited for her. I am excited to be able to see my "mission posterity". She is going to be amazing. Inwood is a great place to be trained because it prepares you for pretty much everything (except being upstate in a car which I will be doing! WOO HOO!)

It has been just a wonderful time here in Inwood. I was thinking last night about all the people I love here and all the experiences I have had. It's funny, because Hna. Walker (my mission momma) wrote me a while ago and told me that although Inwood was a very draining area she made some of her best friends here and I feel the same way. I am relieved to be going somewhere totally new but I will miss the people here. I love it just like I love the Bronx. It's going to be a bit of a culture shock for me to be upstate and change my missionary work (it's totally different up there, like two different missions) but I am excited. I will be with Hna. Vander Dos (I think that is how you spell it) and I will be her follow up trainer (this is going to be her second cycle). I am just excited to be there. I was there for a couple days with Hna. Baxter and I fell in love with the ward and people there so I just can't wait! I am finding that change is getting easier and easier for me as my mission goes on. Everyone knows I have a hard time with change but I am learning to grow from it instead of dread it like I usually do. I'm excited to learn from a new companion and to meet new people. The good news is that there aren't very many Dominicans up there so I may actually be able to understand the Spanish they speak to me. Ha ha. I love the Dominican people so much, but even after all this time, some of them are hard to understand. Now, I just have to make sure I don't gain any weight up there since I won't be walking around as much as I do here!

Last Wednesday I got a fun surprise and Hna. Child and Hna. Adjei got to stay with us. It was so fun to be with them and catch up. I just love all the people from my mission so much! They are the best. I can't believe Hna. Child is leaving tomorrow! AHHH! I am going to miss her, why am I suddenly the oldest sister in the mission? When did that happen? AHHHHHHH!

This week has been interesting for sure. On Friday morning around 3:30 in the morning I woke up with the worst stomach pain ever. I tried to throw up but nothing would come out, it was awful! I was up since then just rolling around in pain. It lasted throughout the day but I was able to get some stuff out a couple of times. I felt so weak and just awful. Hna. Anderson took very good care of me and helped me with everything (she even cleaned the toilet after I threw up so I wouldn't have to throw up again in a gross toilet and she had a warm washcloth waiting for me when I was done because that is what my mom used to do :) The elders were our life savors and went to an appointment with Cesar for us since he was getting baptized the next day! Thank goodness for them. It was not a fun day! I ran a fever and just felt awful. I knew I had to get better because we had to do everything for the baptism the next day. I woke up the next day still not able to eat anything but Hna. Anderson got a mild version of what I had. So you can imagine how weak we were at the baptism.We did our best and it turned out great. I was so excited to see Cesar baptized! The ward has taken him under their wing and he just has so many friends already. He felt so good afterwards and is excited to get going in the church. He is a great member and I feel so blessed to have been here to see him taught and baptized... and right before I left too!

We actually have another baptism this week but sadly I will not be here for it. Elizar is so cool and he is way excited to get baptized. He was taught by other missionaries but he had to go to Mexico for a while. But now he is ready to go! He was going to be baptized last week but they had to go out of town. So Hna. Anderson has a lot on her hands this weekend but she will do great!

I am just loving my mission more and more these days. I love being here and I love serving the Lord. I am amazed by all the tender mercies we see every day! I am so grateful that I can be here. Even more grateful because Elder Bednar is coming to our mission on Feb 25th to just speak to the missionaries. I am so excited! It is going to be a great conference! Wow, I just feel so blessed. I don't know what kind of challenges and adventures await me but I am excited for all of them. I hope you all have an amazing week! Love from New York City one last time :)
Con Amor- Hermana Passantino

My New Address: 25 Maple #8
Norwalk, CT

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

This rock is from CA and so are we so we thought a picture would be nice!

Museum of Natural History-Us in a shell!

Some random garden in an apartment building... oh the interesting things you find

The Superbowl and missionary work!

It is very chilly here in New York City! We woke up this morning FREEZING! Only to find out the heat wasn't on and there was no hot water. I guess the boiler broke. So, Hna. Anderson and I turned the oven on and opened it up and ate breakfast while huddling around the oven. Then we heated up some water on the stove to wash our hair and faces. Ha ha, it was so funny! I am just grateful when we DO have heat and warm water. I am glad I am not a pioneer, I don't think I would have made it!
This week has been a good one. A lot of fun adventures as always here in Inwood. I am trying to soak it all in because it is very likely that I will be transferred next week, only time will tell! This last Sunday was one of my favorite Sundays in the mission. First off, it was BEAUTIFUL outside! The sun was shining and it was warm (well it was like 37 but warm for me!) Then we go to church and we just realized how much we love all of our members. Everyone was just so happy and in a good mood. Cesar came to church (and his baptism is this Saturday! Woo Hoo!) and we also had another investigator show up. He had been taught before but had to go out of the country. Well, he is back and will be baptized in two weeks! SO cool!!!! Talk about a miracle! It was just a great day. We loved all of our classes and felt the spirit so strong. It was great!
Thursday we had another miracle. Thursday night all of our appointments fell through. We were frustrated but went to go visit a member family. As we were there our phone rang. Usually I don't answer the phone in an appointment but I felt like I should, so I picked it up. It was a lady and she told me she was at the church and that it was locked. I asked her why she was there and she said she wanted to be a part of the church. I thought she was calling for English class and she told me no, she saw our number on the door and she has been looking for our church and wants to be part of it! Luckily we were close and ran to the church to meet her. Turns out, she has a lot of family in Peru who are members. Her mom was a member too but just passed away. She wanted a change in her life and knew that she needed to study this church! She is so cool! Sadly, she doesn't live in our area but she is golden and I am so excited for the elders that get to teach her!
So I don't know how many of you have profiles but you have to make one! The church is doing this new thing and as missionaries we get to get on and search for people that are on there. Then we take the new pass-a-long cards and when we meet people we can have a suggestion of who they should look up. It is so cool! I love, it is such a great missionary tool. So if you don't have a profile, MAKE ONE! Also, whoever does my blog, will you put a link to on there? Gracias!
This last week we got to go to an English ward members house from some dinner. It was so fun! Ha ha! I forgot what it was like to not have rice and beans with my meal. It was great! I loved it! Always a fun little switch up!
So, we decided to go tracting during the Super Bowl... not the smartest thing in the world. But it worked out to my advantage. Who ever knew Aaron Rodgers would be a good missionary tool! Ha ha! As we were tracting, everyone was watching the game. So, as they tried to close the door on us, I would say, "Well who is winning?" This always surprised them because some white mormon chick wants to hear about the Superbowl. So then they would tell me who was winning and I told them Aaron went to my high school. By that point we are friends and they invite us back in. Ha ha, good times! It was pretty funny!
I have been feeling of my Saviors love so much this last week. Those times when life is hard, I know I can get on my knees (or usually in my case, walk through the cold snowy streets) and pray to feel the warmth of my Saviors love... and it never fails! It is such a tender mercy for me. I know that we can ALL feel of that love, ALWAYS! I sure hope we take advantage of it and take time out of our busy days to offer some thanks for the things that we have in this life.
I have been loving re-reading the Book of Mormon as a missionary again. Every time I read I learn something new and interesting. It is just so amazing. That book brings the spirit into our lives so much and so much personal revelation comes while reading. I am so grateful for the Book of Mormon and I know it is the word of God, another Testament of our Savior, Jesus Christ! Just like Nephi, we all have trials in our lives and we are asked to do things that are hard or seem difficult. But we have to go in with a good attitude and just DO it! Heavenly Father will always prepare a way. And as we go in with the good, positive attitude, we come out becoming what Heavenly Father wants of us. Unlike Laman and Lemuel who did the things but didn't BECOME anything! Oh man, I love the stories in the Book of Mormon.
I hope all is well wherever you are reading this! Stay warm (I know my parents will be as they enjoy their time in Mexico... HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!) And happy valentines day to all! Love you!
Con Amor- Hermana Passantino
And next week... we find out where Hna. Passantino will be her last two cycles of her mission!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Today... ICE!

As I am sure everyone has heard, there is a fun ice storm here in NY right now... it's crazy, just walking around on pure ice is always fun. Let's all pray that we don't slip and fall! So far so good, but it's always too soon to tell. An Elder in my district got stitches because he fell on Saturday, poor guy. Things are going well here! Besides the cold weather we are working hard and having fun, as usual.

Cesar continues to progress and we are so excited for him. Every time we go teach you can see his faith in Christ going more and more. He is so ready and willing to follow Christ and his example, I love it! I wish we could find more people like that. Luckily, they are out there! I have just been realizing more and more how we are simply asking people to follow Christ and his gospel. It is simple if you think about it. I love reading in the Book of Mormon and hearing about how simple the gospel of Christ is. The spirit is always so strong whenever we talk about our Savior, for He is the real reason we are out here as missionaries. I am so grateful for him and his sacrifice and the chance I have to be one of his representatives. What a blessing it is to share His gospel with others.

We had a couple of fun/ funny experiences this week. First of all, on Friday we were walking through the snow and we were crossing the street with out heads down to try to keep the snow out of our faces. As I was crossing the street this bus starts honking at us... I had no clue why but kept walking but he kept honking. Finally I looked up at him and the driving was waving us down. I stopped and he opened the doors and said, "Hey, I know you guys are far from home and I just wanted to say hello and I hope you have a good day." It for SURE brought tears to my eyes. It was one of the nicest things that someone in New York has ever done. It was so great!

So then later that day, we had a zone blitz and we were going to this place called "the Polo Grounds" it's a bunch of projects and I guess it is kind of a sketch place. Anyway, our whole zone walks out of the subway and this guy starts talking to us like he is a pirate... it was the best pirate I ever heard. He was saying things like, "Watch out your latter day land lovers, Pirate coming through!" Ok, it was the funnies thing ever! I was rolling on the ground laughing. I guess, once again, you had to be there but it was so great! Gotta love New York City!

The work continues to roll forward. I love it more and more every day! I am so happy that I am here (even in the freezing cold and while wearing a skirt) I love you all! Keep on keeping on!

Love, Hermana Passantino