Hello! Well, as you can see my Spanish may not be coming along very fast but my Dominican slang is coming right along. Ha ha, que lo que pretty much just means what's up. We teach this big Dominican family and we walked in the other day and I said that. We all got a big laugh out of it. Well, it's been another good week mainly because we had the baptism of Jarynet and Jordan! It was AWESOME! I sang in a musical number with my companion and one of the elders on the guitar, it was cool. We sang, Soy un hijo de Dios, I am a child of God. Monday it rained like NO OTHER! We have district meeting on Monday mornings and by the time I got there my coat was soaked through, my boots, my skirt, everything! I have never been so wet in my life! It was a crazy rainstorm... not the funnest to do missionary work in. New York is still crazy. We have decided to send funny stats to President every week like, how many times I avoided stepping in dog poo. Goal 50 Actual 20. Or how many times we have run to catch a bus Goal 0 Actual 50. Ha ha, they are some fun times. I think the funniest thing is to hear and see people talking to themselves, it's always awkward but they are fun to contact! We have a couple pretty solid investigators right now and we also have a big priesthood reactivation project going for the next 5 weeks. Transfers are next week! I can't believe I'm almost done with my first transfer! I am almost positive that I won't get transferred but we'll see. You will know next week. I hope that I stay here for a while. You all know how much I'm not a fan of change so yeah... but we shall see. I like the Bronx area for missionary work (never to live here for fun). The work is going well. I have found that as a missionary it is a constant struggle with the natural man, or just with your natural self.. it's hard to adjust but I'm doing it slowly. Thank you for everyone who has been writing me! It helps more than you know! Love you all!
Con Amor, Hermana Passantino
3 years already?
12 years ago