Hello again! What another great day it has been. I enjoy P-days here in the MTC but I feel like they are so busy, which is good, it's like any other day. Busy. Ok, let's go through the week. Tuesday was an interesting day. It was kinda hard because I still struggle with Spanish a lot. I have been feeling that the more I talk spanish the more I will understand. I recognize now that it is the spirit helping me out and letting me know how I am going to learn Spanish best. And silly me thought that it was my own thinking. It's important for us to understand that as we ask for help it's not going to magically happen, that the spirit will testify to us how we can make it better. Does that make any sense? I hope so. Devotional on tuesday was really good. President Rasband from the presidency of the seventy spoke. He was the mission president of my mission! He had all the people going to New York, New York North stand up. It was only me and Hermana Anderson. She was my original compenara but got moved up to the advanced class. So, that was some good times, standing up in front of the whole MTC. I love devotionals on Tuesday! Um, wednesday was pretty normal. I had a good chat with my teacher, Hermana Peterson and she helped me plan better so that my study is most effective and it's been helping a lot! We had another task at the TRC this week. We had to get to know someone, ask to share a message with them, set up an appt, and say a prayer in spanish. Then we taught lesson 1 in english. It went really well, well, the lesson did. The spanish was still way shaky but much better than the week before. We had an interview with Hermono Huber afterwards and he told us that we were doing good. He even got a little teary eyed when we was talking about it which made us feel all warm and fuzzy inside.Mitch came to visit me and it was great! I love that I get to see family! It makes everything so much nicer! Nothing really exciting happened Friday but ohhhhh Saturday. What a day on Saturday. So, we once again played the joyus game of trash-ketball. It is a class favorite and always enjoy ourselves while we play. So, just to have a visual, the room is set up so there are two desks where the plays "shoot" the erasers from and then the trashcan is hanging up on the chalkboard, you know where they have those clippy things where you can hang pics up on? Ok so, you guess the verb and then shoot your eraser, whoever gets it in first wins. So, I am obviously pretty competitive and randomly not too bad at the game. So, one shot I took got stuck up on the chalkboard or "backboard" and I thought I would do a cool move and just tip it in. Well, I tipped it in, but went up with too much force. I came down on the tray of the chalk board... well, my whole thigh came down on the tray of the chalkboard. I fell to the ground holding my leg in major pain. I was laughing because it hurt so bad and I didn't want to cry in front of everyone. Everyone else was laughing too until they noticed that I couldn't get up because my leg hurt so bad. So...I finally hoppled my way to the bathroom to look at the damage. There was an insta-bruise on my whole right thigh with a cut in it as well. It hurt so bad the tears just started rolling, it was so gross looking! So we went to the gym because they were the only medical staff around and they cleaned it up and wrapped it up to try to help with the swelling. Since then I have been walking around with a limp, which is so embarrassing! I can hardly sit because the bruise wraps around my thigh. It is sooo gross. Today it is starting to feel a little better but man, it looks nasty. I will send you pics fam! Don't even worry. It's kinda weird and lumpy but I don't think anything is wrong. I kind of ruined trash-ketball for the class. Hno Huber felt SO bad... Oh well, it's a funny story. I'm doing better today so I am sure it will heal soon. Sunday was super busy. I got called as coordinating sister for our Zone. The other sisters in our Zone leave tomorrow and Wednesday. I was going to be the only one! But we are getting 4 new hermanas which I am so excited about! I won't be the only one. Hna Sanders leaves early Wednesday morning. I am so sad to see her go. I was so worried about having a comp I liked and I got one and now she is leaving me :( Her family sent me a box with a bunch of canadian candy in it! She has gotten me addicted to candy which is NOT good. After she leaves I'm gonna have to slow down on the candy situation. Oh, I got a letter from Shanelle today and she said that she could prob be my trainer and she also said I might be going to New York early. The elders that are going home from NY are going a week early because they coulnd't get any flights, so they might be shipping me out there early, we shall see! That would be pretty sweet! I hope everyone is doing well. I miss everyone so much! Sometimes you forget the world is going on without you. It's wierd. I know that our Heavenly Father is looking out for each one of us! How exciting it is to know what we know! Go share it with someone! Everyone deserves to be as happy and feel loved! Thanks for the letters.
Love, Hermana Passantino
PS: I heard that my e-mail was wrong on the blog so if you tried to send me something it might not have worked. So re-send it please :)
PPS: The RC was awesome again this week. We had some really good chats and got to teach the plan of salvation to someone! It was so cool!
Note- The E-mail Address has been fixed, sorry!
3 years already?
12 years ago
1 comment:
So sorry about your trashetball accident. OUCH! Have your mom forward me the pics!
Sounds like your Spanish is going much better. How exciting to be possibly going to NYC a week earlier!
LOve, Laurie
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