Yes, it's true. I am leaving the Bronx. Who would have thought this day would ever come? Sis. Child and I had a feeling I might be leaving but we didn't find out till last night. So today we are trying to run around and get things taken care of and say goodbye to as many people as possible. I am so sad that I won't get to see very many people. Transfers is hard, they just rip you out of your area and throw you somewhere new. We all know I'm not good at stuff like that but I am sure I will do fine. I am going to Inwood (Washington Heights) which is the very northern tip on Manhattan. It's pretty cool that I'll get to be in the city. We don't use metro cards there so I'll be walking EVERYWHERE. That is going to be interesting. I will be with Sis. McMillin. I don't know her super well but she was Sis. Walkers MTC companion and every time I've met her she has been great. I am excited for that. She will be leaving right before Thanksgiving so yeah, it's gonna be a fun ride. I know that being there will help my spanish A LOT! They don't speak much spanish here but there is like the Little DR so I'll be getting very used to Dominican spanish.... it will be interesting. I am so sad to leave the Bronx, it really has become like a home to me, but it will be good for this area to get something new.
This last week has been just fine. We had a ward training that was really good. They invited the whole ward to come and we talked about different things like, how to prepare a talk, how to receive personal revelation, things like that. It was really good and something that really helps out the spanish wards here. Wow, I just love this ward, it will be so weird to leave it! I love the members and all the people that I have been able to meet. Yesterday there was a little party for the end of institute and I just cried through it, I didn't even know I was leaving yet, ha ha! I just feel so close to all these people. I kind of hope I don't spend 6 cycles somewhere else because I just became so attached to this place.
I am so sad to be leaving Sister Child. She has become my best friend and it will be so hard to not see her and talk to her every day. I can not believe what best friends I have created on my mission. It is amazing the relationships that form while working together for the Lord. All of the missionaries I serve around will always be remembered. I am so happy I have this chance to find the most amazing friends. Elder Hellberg and Sister Adjei are leaving this area too! (We all started our misssions here in the BX) I think we all feel the same way about leaving, sad to leave what we are familiar with but excited for a new adventure. Sis. Adjei is going upstate and Elder Hellberg is going to a different zone in the Bronx. Wow, change is so weird but it will be good. Like I've said before, I think one reason I have to serve a mission is to learn to enjoy change and learn how to handle it.
Speaking of change, there are a lot of changes going on at home too! I can't believe Brian is leaving on his mission next week. I am so excited for him! He is going to LOVE the MTC! There is a guy here, Juan Rosario, who will be in the MTC the same time as Brian. They have to be friends! Juan is going to Colorado spanish speaking. He helps the missionaries all the time and will be a great missionary! Oh man, I am SO excited for Brian! He is going to rock the missionary world! In other home changes, I can't believe Alaina is getting married. How weird! I've been thinking how it's probably good that I'll be going to Texas after the mish, because everything will be too different in Chico anyway... oh changes, bring them on I guess!!
Well, sorry this letter isn't super spiritual. Mainly me blabbing about transfers. Although there are so many changes going on in life, they can always be for our good. I like to think of it this way, if there were no way to change, there would be no way to be able to be forgiven for our sins and ultimately, live with our Father in Heaven again. We are given the chance to change and improve every day of our lives. What a blessing! Hard times come but because of our Saviors sacrifice, we can make it through anything. I am so grateful for the plan we have here. For the opportunity we have to change and become better every day!
I love you all! Thanks for all you do!!! You are the best!
Con Amor- Hermana Passantino
3 years already?
12 years ago
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