I am not doing well with creative subject lines, sorry about that. I think I am getting "less funny". Everything that I think is funny is missionary related... like quoting the Joseph Smith movie in spanish... wow, my sense of humor will be way out of wack by the time I get home. Ha ha!
Well, it has been a pretty good week here in Inwood. I am working hard at preparing myself to take over the area. It is kind of nice to know that I HAVE to have a new companion for the next cycle because my companion is going home. Next week will be interesting. Sis. McMillan leaves on Wednesday but they are not going to have transfers for another week. Which means I am companion-less for one week. But guess who else is going to be companion-less? Sister Baxter! That's right! I talked to President Smith about it yesterday and Sis. Baxter and I get to be companions! Woo hoo! I am so excited, even if it is just for one week. I think we will be spending half the time in her area in CT and the other half the time here in Inwood. We'll see. But just as a fair warning, it might be a little crazy next P-Day so I don't know if I will get to email or not.
So guess what? Lewis is getting baptized on Saturday! Woo hoo! He already has had his baptismal interview so now we just have to get the program together. I am so excited to have him take that step to baptism! Now let's just pray it goes through... baptisms in this area have been hard for some reason but I'm excited still!
We had a great show up at church this last Sunday. It was the best we've had so far. Lucinda came and LOVED it! She is so cool and I love teaching her. This last lesson she told us she knew Joseph Smith was a prophet and that she knows she needs to follow the Word of Wisdom and Tithing... woo hoo! She is great and I am excited to see what happens with her! It amazes me the blessings that come to those that are willing to keep the commandments of God. If only we could all be like that. Sometimes I think we are too quick to justify or bend the rules. If only we had enough faith to obey with exactness, the blessings would be poured out to us just like it is to our investigators.
So funny story of the week. The other night as I was falling asleep I could have SWORN that I heard a mouse running around our bedroom. I of course freaked out. I was NOT going to have a mouse running around while I was sleeping. So I spent the next hour or so lying in bed with my eyes wide open and every time I heard what I thought was the mouse I would grab the flashlight and try to spot it. I then took the liberty to pick up any sort of food that could even entice the little guy. I seriously think I was going crazy. Sis. McMillan just laughed at me as I turned the flashlight on every 25 seconds to find the mouse. Needless to say, we never found what was making that noise. But so help me if there is a mouse I WILL HUNT IT DOWN! Gross New York City and they mice everywhere... and pigeons. Gross pigeons. Why do people feed them?
Well, I hope everything is going well for everyone else. I am loving life here. We are doing some shopping today for Sis. McMillans last P-day... woo hoo! Shopping in New York :) I love you all!
Con amor- Hermana Passantino
PS: I just realized I say "woo hoo" way too much! Sorry about that!
3 years already?
12 years ago
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