Well Hello From Cold NYC!
I realize that I talk about the weather in every email that I send, that must mean I am getting old or something... oh well, it really is the topic of many of our conversations just because it is so chilly. As you can see, one of the pictures I am sending with this email is how Hna. Anderson and I had to dress us yesterday because we were so cold! I really don't remember it being this cold last year, but I was a greenie and kind of shocked with a lot of things so I guess it's not that strange for me not to remember. But we are surviving and having fun with the Arctic winds (ok, that last part may or may not be a lie :)
This week has been a very good but busy one. We continue to search for new investigators that are wanting to progress. Our finding methods are kind of getting exhausted but we enjoying tracting and actually get let into a lot of doors that way. We found this one lady who is awesome and really interested but she is going to the Dominican Republic for a month, so hopefully we can get her when we get back. We continue to work hard and laugh a lot so life is good!
Mildred has had her baptismal interview and is ready to go for Saturday. We have made plans and made sure to talk to her kids to make sure they are coming. Everything is going smoothly so we are excited. Yesterday, she showed us how to make this pork roast, I think it is called Pernil. Well, we really just made all the spices for it so it can marinate for a couple days. But now I smell like pork meat and garlic. She had me shoving the spices into holes in the meat and I kept waking up in the middle of the night because my hands smelled so gross. But I am sure the meat will be worth it. I wrote everything down so I can try to make it one day. On Saturday, she is showing us how to make her rice, I am so excited for that! I really like Puerta Rican food!
On Sunday we had the coolest opportunity to go to a concert put on by the Stake of Handels Messiah. The cool part about it, was that every time there was a part for the choir to sing, the whole audience got to sing a long. The room was filled with the spirit, especially while singing my two favorite songs: For Unto Us A Child is Born and The Hallelujah Chorus. I couldn't help but be grateful for my Savior and for his ministry here on this earth, for all that he did. I also has many found memories of home with my mom singing those songs during Christmas time... I love it! It was such a great way to bring us all into the Christmas spirit. Mildred came with us and LOVED it as well, it was great!
This week for District meeting Hna. Anderson taught and it was just wonderful. Can I just say that this girl doesn't even need to be trained, she is amazing. Which makes me a little nervous because they might transfer me away from her next cycle, just because she is so blasted great. Anyway, her district meeting was on Personal Revelation, something that we work on a lot as missionaries. It was great and I learned so much. I think that we all receive personal revelation A LOT more than we think, we just need to learn how to recognize it better!
We had a cool little companionship unity moment the other day. We were visiting Luz, Lewis' grandmas, and while I was talking to her, I just had the thought that although she isn't accepting the gospel right now (she kind of has some mental issues from age) she will accept it in the life to come. As we were walking out of the apartment, Hna. Anderson turned to me and said that she felt the exact same thing while we were in there. It was just one of those fun tender mercies that you receive sometimes. We didn't need to know that but Heavenly Father lets us know that our work doesn't go unnoticed I guess, it was really cool!
Speaking more about companionship unity, last night and this morning we have grown even closer. Last night, I guess I was talking in my sleep and really having a conversation with Hna. Anderson. She was asking me questions and stuff and I guess I was answering her, but her asking me questions woke me up and I was so confused as to what we were talking about because I woke up to the question, "Do you like grumpy people?" I was like, what in the world are you talking about? Ha ha, I guess I was talking about a grumpy chef on the subway or something, so random! Then this morning, as I am sitting at my desk eating cereal, I hear this loud bang in the bathroom, I come running in only to find Hna. Anderson has slipped and fallen in the shower. Ha ha, it was so funny (don't worry, she wasn't hurt) We both laughed really hard and she may have a bruise on her hip. We are both so random but we get along so well!
Well, I guess I'll end this really long email. I hope everyone is doing well and remembering the real reason for this season. I have found it is a good time to reflect on your personal relationship with our Savior. Have a wonderful week!
Con Amor- Hermana Passantino
3 years already?
12 years ago
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