What in the world is going on with the weather this week? It is crazy! A couple of days ago we had SUCH nice weather, almost in the 70's... I was in Heaven. We walked around Norwalk all day and I loved it. Hna. Vander Does was a little pooped by the end of the day but I just keep telling her I am preparing her for the city so she is not in total culture shock when she goes there one day. But on Monday and now today, it is snowing... what in the world? So strange! I was talking to a lady outside of the library today and she just told me how unpredictable the weather is in March... I hope April is better.
It's been a good week full of learning experiences. We taught our investigator Jose on Monday and that did not go at all as planned. We were excited to teach him the Plan of Salvation and had it all ready to go. As soon as we got in we realized that he did not need to hear about the Plan of Salvation, so the lesson plan changed in an instant (gotta love when that happens). I was more bold with him that I have ever been with anyone of my mission. For a moment, I felt as if the spirit was teaching both of us. Sadly, Jose knows it's true, he knows what he needs to do but he also knows that HE needs to be the one to do it. He understands what it means to have a willing heart and he admits that he doesn't have it. It was really hard to drop him because you can just see how it would change his life but he's right, we need to be willing to make that change or nothing is going to happen. I don't know if I explained that very well but it was a great lesson for me on agency and what WE need to do to receive that change of heart. I hope that one day he will have that desire because I know as soon as he does, his life will change.
We had interviews with President this last week and those went well. I can't believe that it was my last one with him before I go home, it seems strange. It was fun to sit with him and talk about "the good ol' days" when I was in the Bronx. He is such an amazing man and I am so happy he is my Mission President!
So here is a funny story. A couple weeks ago some elders and I got into a conversation about owl pellets... ya know, those things that owls throw up that are full of bones and stuff? Gross I know but for some reason we were talking about those and I remembered a time when we lived in PA and Kindra and I got to dissect one. Anyway, it was a random conversation but something I remembered was fun way back when.... fast forward to the other day. We were in this really random dollar store looking for a wig for our "Biblia Novela" and I see something with Harry Potter on it... of course I pick it up to take a look. Guess what it was? It was this owl pellet dissecting kit! Ha ha! You better believe I bought it and now I am making the elders dissect an owl pellet with me this afternoon... am I crazy? Probably but it sounds like fun to me!
I hope everyone is doing well wherever you are! Things here are great. Transfers are next Wednesday... I pray and hope Hna. Vander Does stays here to kill me off... we'll see! Have a wonderful week!
Con Amor- Hermana Passantino
3 years already?
12 years ago
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