is being silly. I just wrote a really long and fantastic e-mail and it got all messed up so sorry that this will be so short. Next week will have to be a longer e-mail. This week was great. Elder Costa spoke on Tuesday and it was amazing. One of my favorite talks so far. Sis. Dalton spoke in Relief Society and I loved every second of it. She had one really good quote that said, "when you are in the middle of a hill, you never turn around and go back" When things are hard and we're running uphill we might want to go back but it is so worth it when we make it over our challenge and make it to the top. I taught the Plan of Salvation in Spanish this week and it went well. The lady I taught was from Honduras and I couldn't understand a word she said because her accent was so strong. It was a fun and interesting experience. I also taught some other class a 15 min lesson in Spanish about my fav scripture, it was good and I really feel the spirit when I testify in Spanish. I guess that just means that it what I am supposed to be doing. Ha Ha. Ok, I had a great long story about the fire alarm that went off in our building in the middle of the night but I will have to save that for next week. Just as a sneak peek, we had to evacuate our building in the middle of the night. Awesome. Ha ha. Um, quick note. I got a letter from Hna Sanders Dad and she is home in the hospital with Dengue Fever or Hepatitis. Please keep her in your prayers. She's from Canada and we all know how I feel about the health care there... so yeah, she needs the prayers :) I got my travel plans this week! I am leaving on Tuesday the 22. My plane leaves at 7:10 and flys into the New York Laguardia airport at 3:40 pm. I leave the MTC Tuesday morning at 4am! Yuck! Well, I love you all. Again, sorry this is so short! I will get one more chance to e-mail from the MTC so I'll make it good next week! Have a fantastic week! Do some service or something, it will bring someone else some joy! And you too!Oh I almost forgot... my leg is good. I didn't need to have the fluid drained. More about it next week!
Love, Hermana Passantino
PS: As a fair warning, I didn't have much time today so I didn't get as many letters as I wanted written but for those of you who write me, you will get a long one after my plane ride :)
PPS: Start sending letters to NY now so they don't get stuck here. Don't forget that is still working for me to get letters until next Tuesday :)
PPPS: Study topic this week is hope
PPPPS: Sorry if I forgot stuff in the e-mail, I am typing like a crazy person!
3 years already?
12 years ago
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