I am missing everyone so much! I hope all is well and that everyone is enjoying the fact that spring is coming up! Woo Hoo! This last week has had some really nice days and really gross days. I love the nice days, it is so much more enjoyable to be outside walking around.
This week has been a good one! It's been crazy! The talent show went AWESOME! It was so fun and I was so proud of the youth. They did great! The bed bugs have struck again and so that was good times. But here is the news, we're moving! In fact, we've been moving for the last couple of days. They called on Sunday and said, oh, you are moving tomorrow. Um, WHAT? It was stressful but we got them to change it to Thursday. The hard part is, is that we have to wash EVERYTHING! That is what is taking forever. But we are handling it and I will put the new address at the end of this email. The best news, NO MORE BED BUGS! Woo hoo!
I've been sick all week and I think I have a sinus infection which is just dandy. It's rough but I'm surviving. Maybe I can get some meds soon. I am sick of being sick. We saw a headless pigeon on the train track the other day. It was sad, but don't worry, I took a picture!
We went to City Island on Saturday and looked up a less active. She has a daughter that wants to be baptized! Woo hoo! I love to see how the Lord blesses people. Everything happens at the right time! We are also teaching Antonio, who has a baptismal date for the 25th of April and Lux, the daughter of Soledad. She has been forced to grow up very fast but we are hoping everything goes well for her. She is a great girl.
I have been thinking so much about the Pioneers and early saints of the Church. I am SO grateful for their sacrifice for this gospel! What a blessing it is! I know I don't have a lot of spritualness today... but I am loving feeling the the Love of the Lord for me but especially for others! It's truly amazing! I love you all! Thank you so much for your love!
Love, Hermana Passantino
3 years already?
12 years ago
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