Well, another week has come and gone. It is crazy how fast the weeks seem to go when you are on a mission. The MTC felt like a life time (as did my first transfer) but they are really a lot faster now. It's nuts. It really makes it so you don't ever want to miss a moment. I try to soak everything in, even the hard times. We have had a nice and wet week so far. I am NOT a fan of being wet all the time but good news... tomorrow is supposed to be in the 70's... just in time for General Conference and Easter! I can't wait! I have never been so excited for conference before. I just can't get over it... how cool is it that we get to listen to a Prophet?!?!?! We are doing a "Zone Blitz" on Friday were we hand out stuff and sing and things like that and we are going to invite people to watch conference. We were talking about how everyone would come if we were to say, "Come listen to Moses speak" When in reality...that is what it is! A prophet just like Moses, it's so cool. Who wouldn't want to watch conference? Anyway, sorry, my missionary excitedness is coming out a little too much. Ha ha.
Our new apartment is just wonderful. Moving was SO stressful and things were a mess but now it is so nice! We love it! We live in the same complex as some of the Elders (but not in the same building) and this morning we were surprised with a full out breakfast. It had everything, eggs, pancakes, bacon, toast (buttered and everything), apples and smoothies! They are so kind. We actually woke up and ran over to our other pad to clean it all up for morning exercise. As we were walking back we get a call from the elders asking us where we are. (Side-note: here you can't get into a building without getting "buzzed" in) So, we were right across the street from the building and we see them outside of our building. They all see us and run away. The thoughts that go through our heard was.. "oh great, what are the elders doing?" They all run away and we get to the outside of out building and there is breakfast. It was a fun surprise and I'll consider that my "birthday breakfast in bed!"
This week was rather slow because of all the moving craziness. I got meds for my sinus infection and I feel much better now. It seems that on a mission everything that goes wrong is just magnified. I swear, Satan does ALL he can to stop this work, but he's not very good at it. Ha ha. I feel like I don't have many exciting things to say this week. We are really doing well. I am loving the English sisters. Sister Wadsworth moved in this last cycle and we already feel like best friends. I love getting close to the other sister missionaries. We have so much fun together.
I am loving reading the Book of Mormon as a missionary. I love the Book of Mormon, it is so simple and so perfect. I was reading in 2 Nephi 2 and there is a perfect verse about how I feel about my Savior. It's verse 2 and it is what I would want to be my theme in life. I am so grateful for the Savior and His sacrifice for us. We were talking in our apartment the other night about how frustrating it is when people yell at you or are rude. We talked about Elder Hollands talk one year ago called "None were with Him" and how we need to make sure we never let our Savior stand alone again. That is why we are here. I loved this quote from Elder Holland,
"May we declare ourselves to be more fully disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, not in the word only and not only in the flush of comfortable times but in the deed and in courage and in faith, including when the path is lonely and when our cross is difficult to bear. May we stand by Jesus Christ "at all times and in all things and in all places that we may be in, even until death" for surely that is how He stood by us, when it WAS unto death and when He had to stand entirely and utterly alone."
This Easter season, let us vow to never let our Savior stand alone again! I am so grateful that he died for us, that when times are hard, He knows how we feel. I know He lives, I know He loves each one of us. I am so thankful I can be here serving Him and our Heavenly Father.
Thank you all for what you do! I love you all and can't wait to hear from you :)
Con Amor- Hermana Passantino
PS: Ok, my official address is Doris with 1 "r" not 2. Thanks!
3 years already?
12 years ago
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