It is very chilly here in New York City! We woke up this morning FREEZING! Only to find out the heat wasn't on and there was no hot water. I guess the boiler broke. So, Hna. Anderson and I turned the oven on and opened it up and ate breakfast while huddling around the oven. Then we heated up some water on the stove to wash our hair and faces. Ha ha, it was so funny! I am just grateful when we DO have heat and warm water. I am glad I am not a pioneer, I don't think I would have made it!
This week has been a good one. A lot of fun adventures as always here in Inwood. I am trying to soak it all in because it is very likely that I will be transferred next week, only time will tell! This last Sunday was one of my favorite Sundays in the mission. First off, it was BEAUTIFUL outside! The sun was shining and it was warm (well it was like 37 but warm for me!) Then we go to church and we just realized how much we love all of our members. Everyone was just so happy and in a good mood. Cesar came to church (and his baptism is this Saturday! Woo Hoo!) and we also had another investigator show up. He had been taught before but had to go out of the country. Well, he is back and will be baptized in two weeks! SO cool!!!! Talk about a miracle! It was just a great day. We loved all of our classes and felt the spirit so strong. It was great!
Thursday we had another miracle. Thursday night all of our appointments fell through. We were frustrated but went to go visit a member family. As we were there our phone rang. Usually I don't answer the phone in an appointment but I felt like I should, so I picked it up. It was a lady and she told me she was at the church and that it was locked. I asked her why she was there and she said she wanted to be a part of the church. I thought she was calling for English class and she told me no, she saw our number on the door and she has been looking for our church and wants to be part of it! Luckily we were close and ran to the church to meet her. Turns out, she has a lot of family in Peru who are members. Her mom was a member too but just passed away. She wanted a change in her life and knew that she needed to study this church! She is so cool! Sadly, she doesn't live in our area but she is golden and I am so excited for the elders that get to teach her!
So I don't know how many of you have profiles but you have to make one! The church is doing this new thing and as missionaries we get to get on and search for people that are on there. Then we take the new pass-a-long cards and when we meet people we can have a suggestion of who they should look up. It is so cool! I love, it is such a great missionary tool. So if you don't have a profile, MAKE ONE! Also, whoever does my blog, will you put a link to on there? Gracias!
This last week we got to go to an English ward members house from some dinner. It was so fun! Ha ha! I forgot what it was like to not have rice and beans with my meal. It was great! I loved it! Always a fun little switch up!
So, we decided to go tracting during the Super Bowl... not the smartest thing in the world. But it worked out to my advantage. Who ever knew Aaron Rodgers would be a good missionary tool! Ha ha! As we were tracting, everyone was watching the game. So, as they tried to close the door on us, I would say, "Well who is winning?" This always surprised them because some white mormon chick wants to hear about the Superbowl. So then they would tell me who was winning and I told them Aaron went to my high school. By that point we are friends and they invite us back in. Ha ha, good times! It was pretty funny!
I have been feeling of my Saviors love so much this last week. Those times when life is hard, I know I can get on my knees (or usually in my case, walk through the cold snowy streets) and pray to feel the warmth of my Saviors love... and it never fails! It is such a tender mercy for me. I know that we can ALL feel of that love, ALWAYS! I sure hope we take advantage of it and take time out of our busy days to offer some thanks for the things that we have in this life.
I have been loving re-reading the Book of Mormon as a missionary again. Every time I read I learn something new and interesting. It is just so amazing. That book brings the spirit into our lives so much and so much personal revelation comes while reading. I am so grateful for the Book of Mormon and I know it is the word of God, another Testament of our Savior, Jesus Christ! Just like Nephi, we all have trials in our lives and we are asked to do things that are hard or seem difficult. But we have to go in with a good attitude and just DO it! Heavenly Father will always prepare a way. And as we go in with the good, positive attitude, we come out becoming what Heavenly Father wants of us. Unlike Laman and Lemuel who did the things but didn't BECOME anything! Oh man, I love the stories in the Book of Mormon.
I hope all is well wherever you are reading this! Stay warm (I know my parents will be as they enjoy their time in Mexico... HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!) And happy valentines day to all! Love you!
Con Amor- Hermana Passantino
And next week... we find out where Hna. Passantino will be her last two cycles of her mission!
3 years already?
12 years ago
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