Hello from the Constitution State! I am just reporting after getting out of my 2011 Chevy Malibu... ha ha, that's right, that's what I roll around in these days. It's wonderful! We have a little GPS that tries to show me where to go but I think I get in more arguments with that thing that I should. It just frustrates me sometimes, always telling me to turn too late or what not. But I love it, it helps us get around here! I am IN LOVE with this area. It is for sure different than the city. Let me tell you! My second day here, Hna. Vander Does said we had a district blitz in "the projects". I am pretty sure these "projects" were like the Ritz Carlton compared to what I was in before. It was pretty funny. But there are some pretty ghetto parts around here. But I just love it. The work is done totally different than in the city. I am just so used to walking around and talking to people but here we are in the car all the time. I did have Hna. Vander Does and I walk around one day and just talk to people that were in their yards. It was fun and it was her first time doing it so we had a good ol time. We also have started contacting people from the car window when they look spanish... or just hanging around spanish grocery stores!
Hna. Vander Does is so great. We get a long just wonderfully and she is just so fun to be with. I know I am supposed to be her companion and I feel grateful to be able to work here. We have big plans for this area! Church was amazing on Sunday. I just love this ward. I was asked to give a talk AND sing in church on Sunday... thanks ward! But it went well I think. I still don't like talking in front of people in Spanish but I felt more like myself as I did it which was good. We also sang "Joseph Smiths First Prayer" It was me, Hna. Vander Does, and the elders (Elder Fox and Elder Anderson- the greenie) Luckily, the old Elder Anderson was there so we had him come up and sing with us. It went pretty well I think!
We also had a baptism on Saturday. This wonderful man named Ray. He has two little boys and his mom also wants to get baptized. Sadly, she has to work on Sundays so that is hard to work with. His baptism was great and I just can see how the gospel has blessed his life even though I have only been here for a couple of days. We were at his house the other night and I could just feel of the love the Savior has for that family. It brought tears to my eyes. I love moments like that as a missionary!
The members here are wonderful. I love them all so much. Not very many Dominicans which means I can understand what everyone is saying to me... ha ha. We eat A LOT here and the food is so good! I love it! So far I have eaten food from Peru, Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras! On Sunday we ate at a members house from Mexico and they said I came here so that I could fix my Dominicana accent... Haha! I guess I talk fast like they do, who knew? But really, the members are amazing. I just feel so comfortable here and I feel the love of everyone so much, it's great!
I am doing great. I love the change that has come in the mission for me. I can see big miracles in this area but I am just excited to work hard! Upstate is VERY different and I am adjusting but I am doing good. I can see that Heavenly Father puts me where I need to be, and I am glad it is here! Life is wonderful! The church is true! I am so glad that I am doing His work here.
We are getting ready for Elder Bednar which I am really looking forward too. What a wonderful opportunity we have! I love you all! I hope all is well!
Con Amor- Hermana Passantino
PS: We found this new guy to teach names Ramon! He is so cool and guess what? He is Dominican! Ha ha! Of course! I am so excited to teach him. He recently got in a really bad car accident and almost died and he has been searching for the truth since then! SO LEGIT!
PPS: Today we went and played basketball at this gym a member owns. Let's just say I am a little rusty and very out of shape... woops. But it was fun!
3 years already?
12 years ago
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