Hello to all from a BEAUTIFUL day in New York City! I just got done sipping some hot chocolate in central park and it occurred to me, I live in this city, how cool is that? I just love it here. I am in downtown Manhattan right now because my companion is going to a Broadway play with some other sisters and I am going to be hanging out with Sis. Child! I am so excited! Last p-day was great because I had the chance to go to yet another Yankees game! It was a blast and a home run at the bottom of the 9th made it so the Yankees won so we had some excitement as well! It was wonderful! Thanks to Elder Hellbergs birthday, his mom got some tickets for us so we had great seats too! It was a blast!
It has been a really good week for Sis. McMillan and I. We are enjoying our small area and trying to find new things to do to keep it interesting. Luckily, we both are kind of crazy and we keep ourselves laughing a lot. For example, the other day I was walking down some hard marble stairs and I fell down a flight of stairs. Ha ha! It hurt really bad and I think my bottom is bruised pretty bad ( I can't sit for long periods of time now) and I also pulled a muscle in my arm. But we had a very good and long laugh about it and now every time I sit, we just laugh... it makes it not hurt so bad. I looked SO funny when I fell. Luckily, no one else saw. And don't worry, I'm not the only one that has moments to laugh at... the other day we walk into a lesson with Lewis (who is so cool and told us he knows Joseph Smith is a prophet and the Book of Mormon is true! Woo Hoo) Anyway, we walk in and right before we sing, Sis. McMillan gets a horrible bloody nose. She just puts some napkins in her nose while I sing the opening song by myself (awkward!) So we continue to teach the lesson while poor Sis. McMillans nose is just leaking blood.... Lewis gave her some ice and she just taught along with ice and napkins holding the blood... yummy! Ha ha, it was a great adventure.
Mildred (Maribles mom) is getting baptized on the 25th and we are SO excited! We also have Lewis lined up for a date and a man named Ramon. He is bedridden (paralyzed from the head down) but we found out we can have him baptized. It will be a challenge but I am excited for him!
I thought September 11th would be a lot cooler but since I live in the Little DR no one really cared. But don't worry, I showed my American Pride and wore Red, White and Blue! We got to see the big spot lights they put in place of the towers from where we were so that was cool!
Yesterday we had yet another amazing Multi-Zone conference! It was so good! I wish everyone could feel what it is like to be in a room full of missionaries! The spirit is SO strong. It just makes me so happy to be a missionary and to be part of this work. Every zone conference the missionaries that are leaving give their testimonies. It was so weird to have Sis. Walker and Sis. McMillan up there. So many missionaries that I know will be going home soon. It is weird growing up in the mission. Our time here is SO short and I want to use every minute I can! Sometimes the days get long and things are frustrating but it is so great to get together with other missionaries and our Mission President and talk about how we can be better. Being a missionary is something I would never trade. I love this work! I am so grateful I can be out here.
I hope everyone is doing fantastic! I miss you all and can't wait to hear from you!
Love, Hermana Passantino
3 years already?
12 years ago
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